A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daddy says that in two sleeps....

In two sleeps Smudgie and I will wake up to the longest weekend of the year.

Apparently Mommy will be on summer holidays and will be home with us for many sleeps. We are both very excited.

Yay Summer!

Take care all.

Rudy, who is also on holidays.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

One more thing, and I've no idea if this will work or not...

Check this out...

My first attempt at uploading something to Youtube.


Take care all!



Hi guys.

I just got back from rollerblading, and boy are my legs tired. No wait, they're not tired at all. They feel great. They want to run. Yes, that's it. My legs were made for running and that's what they want...so Daddy, let's go again, right now. Daddy? Daddy? DADDYYYYYY!!!

Oh wait, Mommy said he's sleeping. We've been back less than three minutes and he's already snoring in bed. I don't get it. I do all the work and he does all the hanging on. Why oh why is HE so tired?


I guess that's it for today. I hope that there's a tomorrow that includes roller blading too.

There are some things going on here that concern me. The biggest is that we are DROWNING in these things called Rubbermaid tubs. They are everywhere. Thousands have invaded our dining room, and frankly there's not much dining going on in that room anymore.

Sigh again.

You may also notice that I've tucked in my Kong here. I figure if this is really just a funny way of packing and moving out and not letting me know I should be prepared. I love my Kong, and would definitely not be moving without it!

There's also a small issue with Mommy's plants on the deck. Apparently it's not okay to pee on them and kill them. How can that be? We pee on the weeds in Poo Corner and they are HIGH. But yet these delicate little flowers on the deck are apparently so dangerous that we don't dare pee on them. Well I, Rudy the Brave, do not fear them, and I will prevail.

I just wish Mommy would stop yelling things like, "Get off the step," and "Rudy, No!" and something about how much money the plants cost. Uprights, eh?

Did you notice the "eh?" I am truly a Canadian dog now. This Friday I will celebrate my second Canada Day AND I've even tasted poutine. Now that is something for a country to be proud of!

Well, I need to go friends. Take care all and remember, rollerblade whenever you can.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am still here...

Smudgie has recovered fully from his back injury and Daddy hid Mommy's laptop and I cannot hold that Xoompad thingie in my paws so I have been unable to post.

I will be back online just as soon as I can.

I miss you all.

Take care all and don't forget me.

Rudy, the disconnected

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Just a quick observation...

Hudson and I have been listening to the uprights whine all week that there is no food in the house.

We are tired of hearing about it, and would like to offer the following two suggestions:

1. You have legs, opposable thumbs, and cars. Go to a grocery store already!

2. If you can't bring yourself to shop, quit whining and eat kibble. We have a big bin of it, and can share. If it's good enough for us it MUST be good enough for you.

Whichever option you guys choose....just please, for the love of dog, QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT!!!!

With much love and respect,

Rudy, the Problem Solver