A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hudson's been put on notice

When my Grandma and Grandpa came over on Saturday night, I was pretty well behaved. I needed a little direction (they are really fun people after all) but I did okay.

My Mommy says that Hudson was an absolute jerk.

He jumped on our company, and cried, and climbed on their laps. Mommy and Daddy were really embarrassed.

So now we are living in the era known as "Operation Attitude Adjustment." The uprights have been pretty clear. I may have my issues, but I am respectful in the house, so this tune up is for Smudgie.

And he does NOT like it.

They have banned him from the couch, and they make him sit and wait for permission to do everything. He says he's looking into some sort of underground sheepie railroad to get him to safety.

I heard Mommy say that last night he was already being more respectful and that she's happy it's going so well. Now Daddy just needs to follow through she says.

It's kind of confusing for me. When I want to come up on the couch I always stand patiently beside Mommy or Daddy and wait for them to say either "okay" or "go lay down." And then I always do what I'm told. The rules for me haven't changed, but life is very different for Smudgie.

Take care all, and remember to be consistent.

Respectful Rudy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rudy.

    I just thought you would like to know that Finnigan has also been put on notice. He has discovered the joys of table, counter and sink surfing. So far this week we have lost 2 cat collars (taken directly off the neck of a cat), a wristwatch, 1 set of eyeglasses, tupperware containers too numerous to list here, and a couple of days ago he plucked the sugar container from the kitchen table and ate 2 full cups of sugar. There was a lot of twitching, then a lot of sleeping, after that one.

    And so, Finnigan's unsupervised kitchen probation has now been revoked, and he is back in kennel-land when he has to be on his own. He doesn't seem to mind it too much. But I'm not sure he understands why its happening.

    The cats are very happy with this turn of events. They like to sleep on top of his kennel when he is in it. So that they can keep an eye on him. And keep their collars on their necks.

    Poke your brother for me, and tell him to mind his Ps and Qs.

    Love you Rudy!
    Auntie B.
