A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Well, here's my update.

Mommy finally got Daddy out of bed, and we headed out in this very scary looking truck - not nearly as nice (or comforting) as the one he drove me home from Minneapolis in. I did okay, but the uprights (my new nickname for my mom and dad when they're being silly) got all stressed because I kept exploring the front seat and the back compartment of the truck. So, for their benefit, not mine, we went to a pet store where they tried to buy me a doggy seatbelt. (Apparently my big brother behaves better in the truck so nobody freaked out on him.)

The joke was on them (or so I thought). There were none big enough for me. Imagine my horror when they found me a lime green harness, and the saleslady had the audacity to put it on me right there in the store. She showed them how to hook it to the seatbelt, and that was the end of my in truck wanderlust. Poop. Hudson rolled his eyes at me and made fun of me all the way home. Now I like my green collar and leash just fine, but the harness was just waaaayyyy to much to put me through. Mommy was just cooing about how great it looked and how nice that it matched. Yeah. Yay. Nice.

The rest of the ride was fun. We sat in the parking lot at the mall, and the parking lot at Safeway, and then we came home. I must admit, despite the horrific green harness, that it's good to come home. I still have a hard time remembering that all my changes and travels are over. This is my forever home. I like it. But Daddy really needs to do something about all that snoring.

They just moved my crate to the living room, so something's up. I don't think it's going to be a fun thing. I'll have to keep you posted.

Take care,


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