A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I got a phone call! My very first.

I went to the vet today, and I would love to tell you it went well, but I got snarky and snarled at three different dogs in the waiting room. Mommy and Daddy were not happy.

Then Dr. Moffatt was bending my back legs back and forth and I didn't like it. Daddy thinks I was thinking of snapping. I really wasn't, but I was so stressed at the vet that who knows what was going on. Mommy noticed my ears going straight back so she grabbed them and massaged them. That sure confused me, and so I stopped to think about it and suddenly it was all over. He gave me a cookie and told me I was a good boy. Huh?

The vet said that my knee pops sometimes and that it's totally okay and that Mommy should stop worrying.

So I never even got an X ray. So I don't know if you can order one with cheese or not.

He told Mommy and Daddy that this special medicine to make me calmer would be cheaper from the pharmacy than the vet clinic and left to make a call. Daddy took me to the car and I snarled at another dog when we left. It turns out that Mommy knows the uprights who live with that dog. She says she taught the little boy AND worked with his mom.

Boy, is my face red.

Anyway, when we got home the phone rang, and a lady said, "Hi, this is Safeway Pharmacy calling. We were just wondering if this is the house where Rudy the dog lives."

My Mommy laughed and said, "Why yes it is, did you want me to see if he can come to the phone?"

Then she and the lady laughed, but NO ONE PUT ME ON THE PHONE!

What is up with that? Harumpf.

Apparently there are two people with the same name as Mommy and they were calling to find out which one I lived with. But still...the call was for me. Why wasn't I put on the phone?

I've been here for a year and three months, and this is my first call. There's no telling how long I'll have to wait for the next one. It's so unfair.

Take care all, and be sure to put through calls and take careful messages.

Rudy, left hanging on the line

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