A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I did NOT like the specialist.

She was nice enough and all, but I did not like what she had to say. She says that I am "guarding" my Daddy and that his energy is all wrong. She says that I don't guard my Mommy as much, but that I still need to work on it.

She made me walk with another dog, and that went fine, until I felt we were too close to my Daddy so I had no other choice but to snarl and scare him off. I did ok when I was with Mommy, but I'm still not great.

Then the "specialist" had another dog sniff my bum. I draw the line at that, and let them all know. She kept doing this "I'm the boss of you" nonsense, and eventually I had to give in, but I didn't like it.

Mommy and Daddy are listening to her very closely and she said that I can't go to Puppyschool anymore or rollerblade (!!!!!!!) anymore, at least until I stop acting this way. How unfair.

I've never had my very own family. I've never had a Mommy and a Daddy and a brother. I'm just making sure that they all know that I'd take a bullet to protect them. They really don't understand me.

Mommy told me that they'll do whatever it takes to help me get through this dog "aggression" thingie. Sheesh. Since we saw that lady Mommy and Daddy make me sit before I get anything, and DADDY WON'T LET ME CLIMB ALL OVER HIM ANYMORE. WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That was the best part.

And, even worse, that behaviourist lady (arrrggg) is coming to my very own home tomorrow night to continue. I'm not safe anywhere. (But I did show them all...yes indeedy. I peed in the bedroom this afternoon...which kinda backfired, because I heard it's back to the old crate for me while they're gone as a result. Rats. That is NOT what I was going for.)

Take care all, and stay away from behaviour specialists. They cannot be trusted.

Rudy, the mondo-miffed.

P.S. Hi Uncle Garth! Say hi to Allie for me. I'd never snarl at her. She's awesome, from what I hear.

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