A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

She's coming baaack....

Hi all. I'm just gearing up for another "visit" from Jen the trainer tonight. Monday went ok...I guess. I barked a bit at other dogs, but walked really well with Hudson, Keira, and Farley. I made it past a few dogs with barking, but no "red zone" stuff, and then THAT dog came up.

We all saw him from down the street. And he saw us. He leaned forward, stared me down, squared off his shoulders and nearly pulled his upright's arm right off. He snarled and barked and wanted to kill us all. I had no choice but to defend my pack. Keira helped me (she's really big and strong), and we both tried to get the jump on this dog. All of our uprights didn't seem to realize that we were trying to save their lives, so they made us calm down and sit.

Then the mean, ferocious killer dog came by and I clearly heard his owner saying, "Good dog. You go. You show them."

I don't get it. I've been told that being an aggressive dog is a bad thing. Mommy and Daddy have given up all the extras to pay for my training because they say I'm worth it and I'm THAT important to them. (Did you get that...I'm worth it, and I'm THAT important to them!!!!!!! Yay on me.)

So why then would this man reward his dog for doing something really bad? I overheard all the uprights talking, and they used words like, "moron" and "jerk." Mommy said that that man was teaching his dog to hurt someone, and should be locked up. I don't get it? If aggression is so bad (and I think I now get that it is) why on earth would anyone TEACH his dog to do that? Does he want people to get hurt?

The world is a strange place.

Well, back to me...the trainer (Jen) says my aggression is no longer red zone. Apparently I'm doing really well. We spent almost an hour with the foreign dogs in MY house, hanging out and resting after our walk. It seemed strange to me. I took it well much of the time, but it really bugged me when Smudgie wanted to play with Keira, so I felt I had no choice but to put a stop to it. I guess I need to work on more stuff. Sigh.

She's coming back tonight, and I think the pack is, too. Whew. It's gonna be a long night.

Take care all, and remember...aggression is NOT good. We should all put a stop to it. I'm doing my part.

Rudy, aspiring pacifist

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