I have spent the last two days listening to Rudy howl from his crate. The uprights are reshingling the roof, and the noise is horrid. It upset me so much that I tried to tunnel my way out of the bedroom so Mommy put me in my old crate. I was so offended. I haven't been "crated" in eight months.
Then I realized something. It's safe and secure in my crate. My head is protected, and the roof noise can't get me there. So while big baby Rudy barked and yelped, I rested calmly in my old crate.
We got taken out for pees and to stretch our legs a bunch of times. And, during lunch we even got to hang out with a whole bunch of great people. I like my Grandpa a lot...and Auntie Brighit is so nice to me. I know if I asked her to she'd make me my own sandwich. I bet she'd even remember I don't like mustard. Cousin Jzero, Cousin Vienna, Uncle Wayne, and Uncle Garth all helped Mommy and Daddy. It was a great lunchtime, even if no one remembered MY sandwich.
But then Mommy asked me to go outside, and there was somebody back on the roof, making scary noises. It was horrible! I refused. I ran back to the safety of my crate, and they all thought I was a scaredy cat. I am NOT a scaredy cat. I was, in fact, a safety conscious dog. Thankyouverymuch. Sheesh. Uprights.
So, I just popped out of my kennel to tell you roofing is very, very scary. And to remind you all that, unlike Rudy, I CAN be trusted around computers.
Sir Hudson, the Cautious
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