A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am a good boy. I didn't eat the Yorkie.

Hello. My name is Rudy, and I'm a good boy.

We were on a walk this morning, me and my pack, when we were attacked from out of nowhere by this sabre toothed Yorkie. He got out of his yard and jumped right on Smudgie and me.

I wanted to eat him, but Daddy said not to. It was hard, but I sat and stayed for Daddy. I only broke my stay when the stupid Yorkie jumped on my back. I don't think I have to put up with THAT.

Mommy and Smudgie took the Yorkie to its house, and the owners didn't even seem to care that he'd gotten out. Mommy says she's going back there later to bite the owners herself. I don't think she's really setting much of an example for me. I'm pretty sure this Jen person (my behaviourist) would prefer she NOT bite the owners of that Yorkie.

But...that's Mommy's issue. I, Rudy Patootie (I can't lose that name) was declared to be an official good boy today. Later we go see Jen and her pack. I can hardly wait to see if I can still be good then.

Peace to all...

Rudy, the slightly reformed.

1 comment:

  1. I never had any doubt, Rudy. You never looked like a Yorkie slayer to me...

    Maggie (proud sister of Yorkie, Pogo)
