A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mommy Came Back

I knew Smudgie was lying. Why oh why do I EVER listen to that little creep?

She came back last night and gave us pats and hugs and I was so tired by that point that Smudgie and I gave her some kisses and then headed up to bed. I hope we didn't hurt her feelings.

Today, something really interesting happened.

Cousin Jzero and Grandpa came over and they helped Daddy make the floor all fancy. They worked in my bedroom first, and almost got it finished. Daddy says they'll do three more rooms tomorrow. Mommy called Daddy something like "poptimistic" or maybe it was "schmopitimistic." Either way, I think that's a lot for one day...maybe they'll do some more next weekend.

Smudgie was terrified of the tools and noise and work (big surprise) and he spent most of the day hiding in his crate. But I wasn't scared.

I helped.

I inspected the pieces, gave licks of encouragement, and stood right beside the big noisy saw without running away. I even made sure the tools were being properly rotated by bringing some of them down to the livingroom every now and then. Just to keep things fresh. Mommy laughed every time she came to get them. Silly Mommy.

When everyone left Smudgie was still too scared to go in the bedroom but I wasn't. Mommy and Daddy and I all sat on the floor and I gave it another important test. I did the nap test on it, and it passed. It would have been nice to sleep a little longer but Mommy thought I looked cute with my paws all curled up under my head, and then she told Daddy, and he looked at me and he laughed and called me a goof and then I had to get up and move.

I'm very sensitive in that way you know.

So, they are coming back to see me tomorrow and they might even put down some more flooring. I'll miss the old carpet though. It smelled like pee, and I have always found that somewhat comforting.

Smudgie eventually did test out the floor, but he walked funny and kept his bum curled under. Apparently he's also afraid of floors. What a chicken poop.

Anyway, I should end this now. I'm hoping to get another round of napping in on my nice, cool floor.

Take care all. And have more floor naps.


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