A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

How Do I Break the News To Mommy?

I hate tomatoes.

There. I've said it to you guys. But how do I let Mommy know?

She's been watering these plants all summer, and yesterday the first "cherry tomato" was ready. She talked to me and to Smudgie and said that the first one would be for her and her alone and that she was very sorry. Hudson pretended to beg for it, but I knew better. No thanks. No tomatoes for me.

Today two more were ready.

And she picked them.

And she squealed and made us sit nice.

And then.


She gave each of us one.

Smudgie jumped around and pounced on his and carried on like he liked it (I'm sure he was just being polite), and then he actually ATE it.

I tried so hard. Really I did. But that little sucker tasted yucky. And it kept shooting out of my mouth when I tried to bite into it. Then Smudgie came over and TRIED TO STEAL IT. 'Sup with that?

So, I had no choice. I ate it. But it took ten minutes of really working hard to get it down and I didn't enjoy it one bit.

I even made the face. You know, my ooooooooo, that's gross face. Mommy and Daddy watched and giggled and said they love that face. So now it's looking like I'll be getting more tomatoes.

It's nice to be thought of, of course, but how do I get this to stop? How do I tell Mommy that I don't want anymore without breaking her heart? I could just give mine to Smudgie, but there are certain rules in the dog world and that would just be wrong.

So, if anyone has any ideas on how to let Mommy down easily I am open to it. Right now we are just being forced to eat little tomatoes, but there are big ones, turning light orange on the plants, even as we speak. What if she makes me eat a big one?


Take care all, and don't ever plant tomatoes. Nothing good ever comes of it.

Rudy, TomatoHater

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