A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It wasn't me!

I did NOT throw up in bed last night. I know it wasn't me. Smudgie is the one who always pukes, so why did I get the same raised eyebrows when Mommy found it this morning? Why did I get the deep sigh? Why was I kicked off the bed while she changed the sheets?

Look, if it was a midnight peeing I might well be the guilty party, but midnight barfing is strictly Smudgie's schtick. So why won't Hudson fess up?

Take care all, and try to jump OUT of bed before you barf. I'm just saying...

Rudy, who is gastronomically intact

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rudy, this is Zeke writing on behalf of myself, Kitty, Moses and Cap'n Jack. We are TOTALLY on board with you on this. Being the one erroneously blamed for barfing on the Modron's bed sux big time. For all we know, its any ONE of the humans that WE live with who does it. But who gets blamed? One, or all, of us! She flies into a rage and shoos us all out of her room, strips the bed, starts the spinny thing in the basement, then spends the next hour stomping around and complaining (sometimes she uses not nice words) about how disgusting cat barf is, and how we should learn to run down to the litter boxes when we have a hair ball to get rid of, or have eaten too much, too quickly. Is it OUR FAULT when the Mariner's Delight goes in our bowls? We think NOT!

    Personally, we think The Modron just needs to chill.

    Your cousin, Zeke, the Zen Master.
