Mommy and Daddy and Smudgie and me got to go to the park again today. That's that big one across the river. I saw squirrels and chipmunks and trees and grass and about a million ducks.
I really liked the ducks.
Mommy thinks it's strange that I love the ducks and don't want to chase them or bother them at all, but I have "issues" with other dogs. Clearly Mommy just doesn't get it.
We walked and walked and walked, and I sniffed hundreds of trees. Every single one was more exciting than the one before it. I got to hang out by the duck pond. It was cool, but I did keep an eye out for gators. You never know when one of those is lurking just beneath the surface. I do think, however, that with all those ducks there he'd have to eat one of them first, so I'd have time to make good my escape.
Then, after we walked for hours, or maybe days, possibly even weeks, we found the truck again and Mommy brought out a picnic breakfast just for us. We ate our kibble in the park! What a brilliant idea this was. We LOVED it. Kibble tasted better in the wild. That's for sure.
Well, I'm off for a nap in my crate, so I can dream about all of today's grand adventures. Take care all.
Rudy, the explorer
PS This is a picture of the Witch's Hut from my park. It's not that scary though. I've been inside when the witch wasn't home.

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