A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

Two days ago Mommy was on the phone about the fridge (again...and she's ticked!) I could tell she was busy so I kicked the door quietly to go out, but she couldn't come so I quietly pooped in the living room, and then felt bad about it so I tried to eat it up so she wouldn't know.

She caught me, and was really mad. She wouldn't give me kisses all day. She kept calling me Poopmouth. I didn't like that.

Yesterday I figured I'd just save us all a little time so I pooped in the living room again, but this time I didn't eat it. I learned my lesson yesterday. If you eat poop you get no kisses.

Today Mommy keeps dragging me outside and ordering me to poo. She says I'll get no freedom until I do. Sheesh. Who can poo with that kind of pressure? Seriously.

I've no idea what to do now. She's just sitting here, staring at me. I'm not allowed out of her sight. This must be against some rules or laws. Is it doggie abuse to stare at one's beloved dog nonstop, without blinking? She's acting weird. Maybe the fever's back?!!!

Help me! I'm totally freaked out by this. She just stares and stares and stares and won't let me leave her side. We've been out at least ten times already, and she's already got that look again....help!

Take care all, and don't stare at your pets. It's creepy.

Rudy, avoiding eye contact

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