A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rudy's New Year's Resolutions

I have been told that it is customary to make promises about things you'd like to improve on for the upcoming year. So, I've given it some thought and here are my resolutions for 2010B:

I will not eat socks anymore.

I will not pee in the house this year, even one single time.

I will stop trying to steal Smudgie's dinner (but in all fairness, he doesn't complain so I really don't think he minds...but Mommy scolds me anyway).

I will not spread each and every toy in the toybox around in the living room before choosing my chewy ring (like I always do anyway), and when Mommy puts them all away I will not follow right behind and bring them all back out, over and over again.

I will snuggle more.

I will wag my bum more.

I will try not to be such a bed hog all the time (note: this does not apply to pillows).

I will try to be nicer to other dogs. Even Yorkies.

I will not jump on guests (as much).

I will try not to eat the mud out of the plant pots anymore.

Smudgie tells me that once you make resolutions you only have to stick with them for a few days...he says no one makes it to the end of the year. I will definitely try. I promise.

Take care all, and remember to stick to your resolutions.

Rudy, the Resolute

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Rudy! I am especially impressed with your first two resolutions. Would you be able to email Finnigan about those and get him on board? He's not big on socks, but he does like anything that is kept in the bathroom. Now that he's tall enough to climb into the bathtub and to counter-surf, he's discovered a whole new world of delights in there. The latest casualties have been a drain screen, 3/4 roll of toilet tissue, and a disposable razor. Your voice of experience in these matters would probably carry much more authority than my nagging. Thanks!
    Auntie B.
