A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Daddy Has Left Us

I do not know what to say. My Daddy is gone. Possibly forever.

He packed up his PJs and his cell phone (or not, Mommy did not check), and went a million miles away to a place called Latoski. He plans to stay there forever (or maybe just one night) to stay with someone named Allie.

Do you not think Mommy should be at least a little concerned about this.....seriously.....

Smudgie says I am being silly and that I should chill out. He says that Allie is a golden lab who lives with Garth and Shawna and that Daddy is just sleeping there tonight while her family goes out of town to a waterslide park.

I do not know what to believe!

Daddy called tonight and Mommy did not seem sad. She is more sad that her Gaziebe Night (whatever that is) was cancelled because her friends are afraid of her. The doctor thinks she has something called West Nile (which sounds like an adventure to me)...but you only catch it from mosquitoes so Mommy is not contagious, but her friends still ditched her anyway....I do not understand uprights.

Anyway, I got to talk to Daddy on the phone, and so did Smudgie. He thought it was freaky and kicked the phone with his foot so I ran up and took the rest of his turn. It was good to hear my Daddy. I miss him so much. He has been gone for nearly two months (Smudgie says hours, but I do not trust him).

So I am off. To pine for my Daddy. Mommy says she will watch Supernatural DVDs and spend the night with Sam and Dean. I wonder if that is better or worse than Daddy spending the night with someone named Allie.....

Take care all, and sleep where you belong. I am off to look for Sam and Dean...

Restless Rudy

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