A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

These uprights are crazy!

I was going to tell you all about the great day we had at the park, but that will have to wait. What just happened to me trumps all.

Mommy asked Daddy to run to the store to do some errands, and he came back with this stuff called aluminum foil. Apparently he bought the wrong brand. Mommy buys the blue box, and he bought the white one with a red S on it. I have no idea why this matters, but it caused a great deal of discussion.

Mommy cut off a piece of both, and they compared and compared and compared them. I don't know why. They both looked the same to me...silver and shiny. I really thought we should just move along to the cooking portion of the evening, but no one asked me.

There was a discussion about "gauge." WHATEVER THAT MEANS. And after much back and forth (and Mommy making something up that Daddy said was complete nonsense) my crazy uprights came up with the final foil test.

At this point, Smudgie left the room. I thought this was odd, but now I know exactly why he did it. Turns out he's pretty smart.

They made two identical foil hats, and since there was only one dog foolish enough to still be in the room, I had to wear each one, and walk around, while they somehow compared its hat making ability.

No dignity for Rudy. And I heard Smudgie giggling from the dining room.

They actually made me wear foil hats! Thank goodness Smudgie didn't know where Mommy put the camera. That would have been even worse for me.

So, the final outcome? They've decided they are both the same.

I'm so glad the complete stripping of my dignity was at least in the name of science.

Take care all, and guard your head. You never know when an insane person will make you wear a foil hat.

Rudy, who no longer hears voices in his head...


  1. R...O...F...L...M...H...O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ahem, I mean, Oh Rudy, you poor thing....yes they are crazy. I've NEVER made ANY of MY furbabies wear any FOIL hats. Even in the name of science. (BTW - if your cousin Moses tells you some outlandish story about being forced to wear a hollowed out half grapefruit on his noggin a few years ago, don't listen to him. He's just being a sour-puss.) Auntie B.

  2. LOL! I love it! Rudy, you're just being a poor sport! They were just making sure that should aliens invade, the foil is of hat making caliber!
