A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


We're free now, and the bedroom, though ugly, has been put back together. Mommy's almost finished washing all the blankets and bedding (they got dusty) and all the carpet and understuff is removed. Mommy cut up all the understuff and filled nine garbage bags. Daddy threw the carpet off the balcony and into "Poo Corner."

Mommy's gonna kill him for that one, sooner or later. Sheesh. I really liked him.

So here's the problem. Smudgie's afraid of the bedroom now and won't walk on the floor. So, I can still sprawl out on the bed and watch the window, but he cries from the hallway.

Silly Smudgie. It's the exact same room, except (turns out Mommy was right), now it smells better, and your nails make a great clacking sound.

I don't know what he'll do at bedtime, but I do know that I'll have more bed this way.

In other news...

TOMORROW I GO TO MY VERY FIRST BBQ!! I actually got invited to one. Well, to be honest, Mommy and Daddy and Smudgie are coming too, but this is my very first BBQ invitation. Mommy and Daddy say there will be cats there. Smudgie says the cats are what we BBQ. I think Smudgie is probably just saying that to upset me, but just in case he's not, I want to say I am definitely opposed to BBQing cats. I like them, and would prefer to have them as friends.

Take care all, and be sure to invite a sheepdog (or two) to your next BBQ. And please, only have cats there as invited guests.

Rudy (Iron Chef BBQ)

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