A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Monday, April 12, 2010


It is against the rules, in this house, for a happy go lucky sheepie to jump up on the kitchen table during dinner time, and accidentally knock an extra large glass of iced tea with his handsome and delicate paw so that it spills all over Mommy's super special "had to be ordered from Toronto and originally set up with an Ontario number just to get it here" Palm Pro Cell Phone.

Man, did she shriek.

I felt bad, and offered to lick it up, but Mommy wouldn't hear of it.

It turned out just fine. The phone is okay now. And I don't think that the iced tea inside of it could possibly be the reason that it turned itself on last night and took dozens of pictures of the pitch dark bedroom while we were all sleeping. And even if that was my fault, it stopped when the battery ran out, and it seems to be working now. It's not like it took THAT much time for Mommy to delete all those pictures of blackness.

It's so hard being a sheepie.

I really, REALLY mean well. Honest, I do.

Take care all,

Rudy (the contrite)

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