I'm really sad. It was fun having an upright home at all times, and now it's over. Woe is me. Woe is Rudy.
I'm lonely at home during the day, and Smudgie won't come down and see me. He sleeps on the bed. I wish I could be free when Mommy and Daddy are gone. Mommy says that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Apparently I wasn't supposed to chew the brush yesterday when Daddy went down for a shower. And I didn't mean to ruin the orange thing she was crocheting. It looked yummy. And besides, it only took her twenty minutes to find the missing crochet hook. I don't understand what all the fuss was about. There was even talk of taking me to the vet for something called an X ray to find it. How could they find it at the vet when I chewed up her stuff at home? Uprights don't get it.
Anyway, I think Mommy fixed her thingie...it still looks like a funny orange scarf to me, and the hook was found, and the brush still works so what's the big deal? I even managed to be really good at obedience last night so that's got to count for something.
Well, I guess I'll take a nap now. It's going to be at least a week until the uprights come home from work. Poor, lonely me. Again I say, "Woe is me. Woe is Rudy."
Take care all, and spend time with your loved ones. Don't leave them in a crate.
Rudy, locked in the big house.
I'm lonely at home during the day, and Smudgie won't come down and see me. He sleeps on the bed. I wish I could be free when Mommy and Daddy are gone. Mommy says that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Apparently I wasn't supposed to chew the brush yesterday when Daddy went down for a shower. And I didn't mean to ruin the orange thing she was crocheting. It looked yummy. And besides, it only took her twenty minutes to find the missing crochet hook. I don't understand what all the fuss was about. There was even talk of taking me to the vet for something called an X ray to find it. How could they find it at the vet when I chewed up her stuff at home? Uprights don't get it.
Anyway, I think Mommy fixed her thingie...it still looks like a funny orange scarf to me, and the hook was found, and the brush still works so what's the big deal? I even managed to be really good at obedience last night so that's got to count for something.
Well, I guess I'll take a nap now. It's going to be at least a week until the uprights come home from work. Poor, lonely me. Again I say, "Woe is me. Woe is Rudy."
Take care all, and spend time with your loved ones. Don't leave them in a crate.
Rudy, locked in the big house.
Okay, "woe is me Rudy, locked in the big house, boo hoo". I'm coming to see you tomorrow and I'll bust you out and son of a gun, we'll have some big fun. Jambalaya, crawfish pie, filet gumbo, and all that good stuff. No more crochet hooks PLEASE. See you tomorrow afternoon. Can you hang on until then? Love you (and your partner in crime - er, brother) Auntie B.