A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I thought snow was way better than alligators.

Now I am thinking they may both be connected. Here are some of my ponderings, now that my nice fluffy snow is all melty and squishy. There are some definite connections:

Ways snow is just like alligators...

1) Alligators sneak up on you and grab your leg when you're not looking. Snow banks give way and grab your leg(s) when you fall through and you never see it coming. (THIS IS NOT AS FUNNY AS YOU SEEM TO THINK MOMMY. YOU ONLY LAUGH BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR LEG.)

2) Alligators ignore you when they're not interested in you. Snow can lie in wait for MONTHS until it shows an interest in taking you down, too.

3) Alligators are pretty smart. The same, I now realize, can be said for snowbanks, too.

4) Alligators like water. Turns out...snow IS water. Hmmmmm...

5) The word "alligator" has nine letters. So does the word "snowbanks." Freaky!

6) Since you never see alligators and snow together at the same time, how do we know for sure they are different at all?

7) Snow is not warm blooded. Neither are alligators. I think I'm on to something.

8) My bratty brother once tried to push me into a snowbank. I'm pretty sure he'd try the same if there was an alligator around.

I'm sure there are many more. I'll post them as I investigate this further. If anyone has any to add, please let me know. I'm sad that my beloved snow is now turning on me and melting. And even worse is that some of the melty bits end up hard and slippy too.

I'll have to hit the books and do a little more investigating into this spring thaw stuff. I'm hoping the alligators aren't on their way here. Do they migrate? Yikes. More to worry about.

Take care all,

P. I. Rudy

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