This particular morning the yard looked like this:
Can you imagine? Mommy says it's something called hoar frost, and it happens when the fog does something called condense on the trees and stuff. I'm glad there are no alligators here. Could you imagine if they got all frosty? Sure, that might look cute, but I bet they'd be even crankier! And I checked, this frost stuff does not taste like frosting. That's a cruel t
So, my brother and I have decided that until the yucky weather is over we will spend as much of our time as we possibly can, in our all time, most favouritest spot of all...right on top of Daddy in the big chair in the TV room. Look at us. Can you tell I really love it here?
Your Daddy looks pretty comfy and content as well, Rudy. I think he loves having you there, too.