A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hey...do you guys know what a grocery store is?

Just a quick post here. Today I had a most interesting experience. Mommy had to go "grocery" shopping. We went to this place called "Safeway." Daddy strapped me into the seatbelt so I didn't have any real fun on the way there, but once we arrived he took Hudson and me to sit OUTSIDE this grocery store thingie. (On the way there we met Auntie Suzanne's parents, and I am so ashamed. I got really excited and barked. I hope they don't think I'm awful. I just couldn't control myself...so Daddy controlled me. He took me to the other side of the parking lot until I calmed down, and then we headed over to the store.)

So, the deal is, Mommy went in and came out with tons of bags, but I didn't get to jump in any of them because Daddy put them in the back of the truck when she was done, and tied me to that stupid seatbelt again. I tried to wiggle out, and ended up crouched on the floor on the ride home, with the seatbelt holding my halter at my shoulder. I must plan for my escape next time...but I digress...

While Mommy was in this "Safeway" thing, we sat on this bench thing, and all kinds of strangers came over to say hi. Hudson says that this is what they usually do if the weather's not too bad. I think I like it. We both got pats, and smiles, and everyone talked to us in babytalk with really high squeaky voices. Boy, did they sound funny! Uprights sure can be goofy.

The bags smelled good, and when we got home Mommy gave me (and Hudson too, I guess) a new toy. It's a cool squeaky skunk. We named him Steve. I wonder if all those bags were filled with toys, and, if so, when do I get the rest? I guess we needed a new one. Apparently before I came Hudson's toys never got ripped. I'll have to post later about all the "parts" I've collected since I've been here. In my defense, it's all Hudson's fault. I lay my whole self flat on the ground, and he drags me around by the toy in my mouth. I hardly think it's fair to say this is MY fault.

Back to the important issue. One of my many new missions is to explore this "grocery store" thingie. Next time, I'm going in. I'm working on my plan right now.

Take care,

Rudy, (Secret) Ninja Grocery Store Assassin
(Tell no one.)

1 comment:

  1. Rats! They got to meet you before I could ....
    Did mommy bring you a treat out from this "Safeway" place? There's a deli in there where one can get freshly sliced meat -- I'm sure that would make the waiting outside worth your while!
