A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Just wanted to point out...

Well, it seems no one is keeping track of my accomplishments, so I need to let everyone know about this myself. I have not PEED in the house since the wee hours of Thursday, February 11th. Here it is more than a week later, and no one has thrown a parade for me. What gives?

While we're on the subject, I haven't pooped in this house since January 27th. Doesn't that warrant a celebratory prime rib dinner? Uprights, I know you know what that is, so don't go pretending you don't.

Where are my accolades? Where are my treats? Where is my parade down Portage and Main? And what is Portage and Main anyway? (I heard about it on TV...sounded important...something Winnipeggy...)

Now, onto other business...

I know my crate is big, but is it really necessary for Hudson to run INTO my crate before I get out of it? When Mommy comes home from work and lets me out (so I can pee OUTside), Hudson always runs into the crate before I can get out. Now I know my crate is pony sized, but so am I. There just isn't room for two.

No matter how hard I try, his enormous bum blocks me and we both end up trapped. Any advice? I growled once (not really, but I faked it by making the sound and curling my lips) and Hudson just put on his e-brake and became an even more immovable object. Brother, you need to move. After being in that crate all day my bladder is screaming, and it takes all my concentration to make it to the door without letting go.

I want to get to the two-weeks-without-an-accident point as soon as I can. I'm sure there will some sort of medal ceremony for me then. I just know it.

Rudy, forever holding his pees

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