A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I forgot to tell you.

The uprights did manage to finish shaving my brother. I think he still looks funny. He doesn't want to spend quite as much time outside now as he used to, and seems to be interested in this thing they call spring.

What do you think? He's kind of short and funny looking now, isn't he? Just don't tell him I said that or I'll get a well placed bite in the bum for sure! (And in other news, did you notice our favourite multi squeaky cow in the picture! We've even left one or two squeakies inside it.)

Take care,

Rudy Sassoon

1 comment:

  1. One word Rudy - KARMA. Ask your Mom and Dad to explain it. For one day, you too shall meet the MIGHTY CLIPPERS.

    As for Hudson, yeah he's a little vertically challenged, and wrinkly, and grey. But hey, so am I! (Actually I've been thinking its about time to shave my own head again...what do you think Rudy? Would you still love me if my head-fur was all gone?)
