A transplanted Floridian calls it as he sees it...

I promise to tell all! I'll be as rufff as I have to.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not everything is for eating?

Mommy and I don't agree on this. I think that if it smells good, and goes down, it's for eating. Mommy says that there are some things that aren't. Have you all heard this before? I think she's making it up to ruin my fun. And just because you throw it back up (on the bed, while the uprights are sleeping) doesn't mean that you shouldn't have eaten it in the first place. It's just one of those things. Besides, throwing it back up just means I can enjoy it all over again, right? Or maybe it's a good way to share with Hudson.

Things Mommy "Claims" Aren't for Eating:

1) Large wads of dog hair
2) Small wads of dog hair
3) Socks
4) Mommy's shoes
5) Daddy's shoes (they are way stinkier)
6) The rubber plant stems
7) The rubber plant leaves
8) The rubber plant mud
9) Any and all other parts of the rubber plant
10) Berber carpet (but it's soooo cool when it unravels)
11) Tags on blankets and beds
12) Kleenex and other paper products

As you can see, she's completely unreasonable!

A dog cannot live on kibble alone (and cookies, and apples, and carrots, and snow, and bananas, and the occasional taste of prime rib...)

Take care,

(Starving) Rudy

1 comment:

  1. Pssstttt...Rudy...come to California. I have heard the give us crepes here. Apparently Grandpa ALWAYS makes extra for us. I haven’t tried them yet, but Lily goes on and on about them...

    Sheepie Kisses, from Maggie the New and Willing to Share.
